Would Discovery's Mythbusters dare to bust the Global warming myth? Would Adam and/or Jamie take it on? - global discovery vacations
The biggest myth of all time is right across the face of the Mythbusters, but they dare? Corbyn science and the pier, which has accurately predicted 25 years Main Weather up to one year in advance with the sun. There is also a great Mythbusters global warming, with many more scientific note that our time and lower the sun is cooler, until 2030, when the sun passes through its cycle. It would be very happy in the program and give Jamie and Adam the same tools to discredit and dismiss, the greatest myth of our time.
But do not dare to question. They dare to take the cause of the Hollywood celeb and lose the possibility of their status or even lose their place in the Discovery Channel, which has promoted the myth of GW for so long. They dare to shake the Masters of the Universe by Hollywood face, and the foundations of the liberal agenda?
What is your opinion - they should do, and do them.
The Discovery Channel Master Gore never disobey. Flying was in his private plane to California and shaking his fist to producers in an intimidating front of his army of hippies and the displacement of the polar bear on them. Then fly back home and swim in your pool is heated in preparation for the coming flood. Master Gore is pretty scary, so I doubt that the producers, Adam and Jamie, the question of carbon-terrorism are allowed. Better safe than sorry.
All tests of Jamie and Adam need to be able to demonstrate the plight of the world's climate are found in Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, the 55 million years. Everyone knows the annoying before Lincoln Navigator mammals hunted down and buy their salvation in the form of credits. I mean, even if the scientists can not explain the accumulation of all the horrible carbon, care must be taken to increase the temperature of the earth by the phenomenal amount of 9.16 degrees Celsius over several thousand years "(omgomg!) Is the prehistoric capital was SUVS. I bet that only the fault of the Lazy Fat American dinosaurs, too.
It may not have been the failure, a much more important and influential in the climate ... such as increased solar radiation, is not it? I mean, who cares about the sun? It's just something bright in the sky, after all ... totally irrelevant.
Ha! Beat that flawless logic, Mythbusters!
Urban Legends is not scientific theories. Can this goal in 30 minutes can be done, this does not show. Moreover, it seems that they have experience in special effects and design / engineering, no time. Because the study is year of climate data and scientific experiments, I had no TV show is worth doing something differently than the presentation of summaries of results and controversies to date.
I doubt that Discovery will have the necessary means for launching a massive study. Scientists - real scientists - have studied the problem for years, and has not spoken yet. What are the two TV personalities who are known for big explosions, real science to prove or disprove a theory, as the global warming during the 45 minutes?
BTW, you're an idiot. Better learn to swim.
I do not think they would, even if it would be a little afraid to get results. I'm not sure I would, but it would be Adam for his courage to do it, Adam and Jamie test that can.
I think it would be nice if they said they can not with all the myths, why not the good fat? I think you should tell them to think and to set this up. Discovery.com and click on Mythbusters or something. You can find:)
AWSOME OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH is a myth to be !!!!!!! If someone could build on the basis of the same Adam and Jamie would.
I do not know if it's possible for them to do something ... lyk
I do not know if it's possible for them to do something ... lyk
You are a corporation's wet dream.
hmmmm not to see, why not, something is always = 4) x
I know that Jamie wants to fight at least the myth of creationism, but I doubt they would be something so controversial that to do so. Global warming is only slightly less controversial, and if only a myth is something that for many years of research and observation, made when a few weeks to six months needs to demonstrate that each myth.
Also, the discount political and scientific debate over global warming, whether real or not, is slow and subtle, and do not have to humor and the speed recorded. So, no, not what they think or want.
Hey Peanut
At the beginning, that GW is a myth to let reason and logic on the track. We discuss why the hell to breakfast, but climate change is underway, no doubt. Take a look at a recent aerial photograph of the ice at the North Pole. He fell to 250 miles north of the Arctic Circle, in some places. Ironically, oil companies can use passenger fees north to more fossil fuels.
I do not think that in the entertainment industry. What are the experiences of a small scale can be set to bust this myth. While fun, tends to show, local recurrence and / or poor experimental techniques have. They may also be extrapolated to where it should not. (But they do not blow things and it's fun.)
I do not think this issue would be working for the format.
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